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2 x Bosch Siemens Gaggenau UltraClarity Pro water filter 11032518

5.0/5.0 (11 ratings)
Siemens Logo

2 x Bosch Siemens Gaggenau UltraClarity Pro water filter 11032518

5.0/5.0 (11 ratings)
  • Item ID: 191076
  • Manufacturer: Siemens
  • Model number: 11032518
€ 95.90
Content: 2 piece 
| Unit price: €47.95 / piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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Shipping: Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h

2 x Bosch Siemens Gaggenau UltraClarity Pro water filter 11032518

Internal water filter, fits for:

Bosch KSZ50UCP

Siemens KS50ZUCP 

Gaggenau RA450012 

  • Improves the water quality
  • Removes chlorine from the water
  • Easy to change

Name: UltraClarity Pro

Capacity: 946 litres

Max. Flow rate: 2  L / min.

Reduces chemical and mechanical contamination in the water

Max. Temperature: 38° C

Max. Use: 6 months

NSF certified

Manufacturer: Microfilter

Also known under the numbers WFS200MF / WFS210MF, WFC100MF / WFC110MF



Please note

According to the appliance manufacturer's recommendation, you should always replace the water filter if:

* the corresponding warning light on your refrigerator lights up (depending on the model)
* the refrigerator has not been used for a long time
* if the water develops an odour or becomes cloudy
* or at least every 6 months to be on the safe side
* After installation, rinse for 3 minutes (the first 50 glasses of water)

Further information can be found in the operating instructions for your appliance.

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