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Filtronix water filter FF-S replaces Samsung DA29-00003F + G/B/A

4.50/5.0 (2 ratings)
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Filtronix water filter FF-S replaces Samsung DA29-00003F + G/B/A

4.50/5.0 (2 ratings)
  • Item ID: 66
  • Manufacturer: Filtronix
  • Model number: FF-S
€ 18.90
Content: 1 piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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Filtronix FF-S water filter replaces Samsung DA29-00003A/B/G/F , ACE+ FA-8300U

for Samsung stand-alone refrigerators (Side by Side) replaces Samsung DA29-00003A, DA29-00003B, DA29-00003G, DA29-00003F, or Model No. HAFIN2/EXP, ACE+ FA-8300U

Replaces these Samsung filter types:

-TADA29-00003B, TADA29-00003A, DA-2900003B
-DA29-00003A, DA29-00003B, DA29-00003G, DA29-00003F, DA2900003A, DA29-00003
-DA61-00159, DA61-00159A, DA61-00159A-B

Suitable for all SAMSUNG SBS cooling units
with "internal" water filter e.g.:

Samsung RS21KASM, RS21KCSM, RS21KLSN, RS21KNSM, RS21KPSM, RB215BSBB, RB215BSSB, RH269LBSH, RS2520SW, RS2530BWP, RS2533SW, RS2533VQ, RS2534BB, RS2534VQ, RS2534WW, RS253BABB, RS253BASB, RS253BAVQ, RS253BAWW, RS2544SL, RS2545SH, RS2555BB, RS2555SL, RS2555SW, RS2556BB, RS2556SH, RS2556SW, RS2556WW, RS255BASB, RS2577BB, RS2577SL, RS2577SW, RS2578BB, RS2578SH, RS2578WW, RS257BARB, RS2621SH, RS2621SW, RS2622SW, RS2623SL, RS2623VQ, RS2630SH, RS2630SW, RS2630WW, RS2644SL, RS2644SW, RS265LABP, RS2666SL, RS267LABP, RS267LASH, RS269LARS.

and many other models

Technical specifications:
Max. Pressure up to 125 psi ( approx. 8 bar )
Min. pressure 20 psi
Max. water temperature 100° F (38°C)
Minimum water temperature 33° F (0.6°C)
Max. water temperature Flow/min 0.5 gallon (1.9 liter)
Max. Flow rate 300 gallons (1136L)

Filtration with activated carbon:

The filter removes
-96.6% mercury at pH 6.5
-96.7% mercury at pH 8.5
-99.9% of asbestos
-96.7% of benzene
-99.99% of cysts
-98.7% of the coal furan
-99.0% of turbidity
-97% of chlorine
-97.60% of class I particles (up to 0.52 microns)

mechanical impurities, micro-sediments, heavy metals and many organic chemicals, and thus positively enhances the taste you not only taste but also see.

Significant advantages

-Less foreign matter in your water and ice system
-Deposits in the ice system are reduced

-Diamond clear ice cubes

Please note:
The filter fits  not for refrigerators that have an external water filter.

Filter change
For health and technical reasons, our filter manufacturers generally recommend changing the filter every 6 months, even if the filter has a larger capacity.

According to the recommendation of the device manufacturers
you should always replace the water filter when:

-the associated warning light on your refrigerator lights up (depending on model),
-the refrigerator has not been used for a long time,
-in case of odour development or turbidity of the water
-or to be on the safe side at least every 6 months!

You will find further instructions in the operating manual of your device!

Scope of delivery: 1 piece

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