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Omnipure K2533JJ Inline Carbon Filter

Omnipure K2533JJ Inline Carbon Filter

  • Item ID: 388
  • Manufacturer: Omnipure
  • Model number: K2533JJ
€ 24.90
Content: 1 piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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Omnipure K2533JJ Inline Carbon Filter


Inline Carbon Filter from Omnipure K2533JJ with integrated quick connectors


Inline Activated Carbon Refining Filter from Omnipure Partner: K2533


Mixes and filters again the water stored in the water tank and provides a pleasant, refreshing taste, which you not only taste but also see. The model K2533 has integrated quick connectors for 1/4" hose.


Technical data:

Manufacturer: Omnipure

Model number: K2533

Flow rate: 1500 gallons (approx. 5500 liters)

Flow rate/ minute: 0.5 gallon (approx. 1.9 liter)

Shelf life: up to 12 months

Max. Pressure: 125 psi (approximately 8.6 BAR)

Max. Temperature: 38° C

Min. temperature: 2° C

Contents: high quality activated carbon flushed in acid

Length: 25,1cm

Quick connections

Outside diameter: approx 6 cm

NSF certified

Suitable for reverse osmosis plants as pre- and final filter.

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