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RO5 Reverse osmosis water treatment system

Filtronix Logo

RO5 Reverse osmosis water treatment system

  • Item ID: 380
  • Manufacturer: Filtronix
  • Model number: RO5
€ 299.90
Content: 1 piece 
(tax included) + shipping costs
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Shipping: Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h

RO5 reverse osmosis water treatment system

The osmosis system is supplied complete with filters and connections and is therefore ready for use immediately after installation. Assembly is carried out in Germany.

The first pre-filter is fitted with a 5 µm polypropylene foam cartridge. It removes mechanical impurities such as sand, sludge, rust and limescale particles from the water and increases the service life of the next filter cartridges.

-The second filtration stage is a block filter with an activated carbon cartridge. It removes chlorine, pesticides and many organic impurities.

-The next filter contains a 1 µm polypropylene foam cartridge. It filters smaller mechanical water impurities and any carbon particles.

-The osmotic membrane (fourth stage) removes 96-99% of all dissolved pollutants in the water, including bacteria and viruses.

-Omnipure s final carbon filter removes suspended particles and gives the water the characteristic flavour of natural spring water.


Filtration capacity of the TFC membrane:

  • Aluminium:88% - 99%
  • Ammonia:86% - 92%
  • Chromium:96% - 98%
  • Cyanide:92% - 98%
  • Zinc:94% - 97%
  • Cadmium: 98% - 99%
  • Manganese: 96% - 98%
  • Copper:95% - 99%
  • Nickel:95% - 99%
  • Lead :96% - 98%
  • Silver :86% - 98%
  • Strontium :87% - 90%
  • Iron :98% - 99%
  • Pesticides:99% - 100%
  • Bacteria :99% - 100%



The following accessories are supplied complete with the appliance: 

  • An ergonomic, silver-coloured tap that can be fitted to the washbasin or sink.
  • Universal metal connector with ball valve and hose, it allows easy and quick connection of the filter to the water supply pipe.
  • Universal bowl for filter housing (necessary when replacing cartridges).
  • The Teflon tape is used to seal the threaded connections.
  • Incl. pre-filter and membrane
  • Water storage tank

Reverse osmosis systems remove up to 99.8% of all pollutants from the water. The core of the UO systems is a multi-layer thin-film membrane TFC which, together with the pre-filters, produces the purest water, free from heavy metals, chlorine, bacteria and viruses. The purity of the filtered water can only be compared with a few natural sources.


  • Type of connections: Quick connectors
  • Membrane- TFC (thin film) Dupont Dow Filmtec 75 GPD
  • Flow rate (24 hours) up to 285 litres
  • Minimum drainage - >90%
  • Ceramic tap
  • Tap water pressure - 2.75 - 5.85 bar
  • Water temperature - 2°C - 40°C
  • Pre-filter 5mµ
  • Activated carbon filter 10µm
  • Pre-filter 1 µm
  • Filmtec Membrane Dow Chemical Inc. Dupont 75 GPD
  • Final filter - activated carbon cartridge made from Omnipure coconut shells
  • Storage tank 8 - 10 litre volume

On request with permeate or booster pump, energisation, vitalisation, miniralisation, Grander or rock crystals

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